Monday, May 2, 2011

Osama is dead.

It was kind of strange to watch the news reports where college kids were partying because the government killed Osama bin Ladin - I am glad he is dead, it was just strange to see them drop all that PC bull crap and do a keg stand for America. All I could think of was this song.

As much fun as that was to watch, it is horrible to see the spin machine start up immediatly - depending on the cable news you watch either Obama pulled the trigger himself or Bush hired a private death squad to make the hit. My favorite was FOX news this morning with some guy that looked like Carl Rove but wasn't saying that Osama being dead is not the issue but the fact that Clinton allowed Osama to operate while he was in office - i swear that was his argument.
Oh, well back to business as usual.

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