Tuesday, April 19, 2011

the sun

Inside the core of the sun atoms of hydrogen are fused together to create helium. This is were the sun gets it energy. The left over protons bounce around inside the core trading places with other atoms trying to escape. It can take up to one million years for those protons to make it to the surface of the sun - it then takes them seconds to travel from the sun 's surface to the earth.

Also, the average home computer has more computing power then every computer NASA had in 1969 and they put a man on the moon. So the heat we feel on our skin on a nice spring day like today has been struggling to get here since before recorded human history and I am using my computer to write a blog about gross food my wife eats or to show pictures of my cat. I feel bad, but then again you are reading it. So I am going outside - at least until I see a bee or something.

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