That being said Sea World has been talking about how there will be new safety regulations and this time there is nothing to worry about - but I know the damn things can jump like 500 ft if they really want.
Why put the climax of the film of the poster? It would be like a movie poster for the film "Se7en," showing Brad Pitt shooting Kevin Spacey in the Desert.
Killer Whales eat sharks and other whales, why would you think it was a good idea to try to get them to jump through a hoop for a salmon - if they want the salmon and are in a bad mood they are going to take the salmon - I am sure the last thing you want to have around a killer whale in a bad mood is the smell of salmon on you. I personally don't even trust dolphins that much. I remember one time swimming in Florida near Dayton Beach and being about chest high in waves when I looked out and saw a pod of dolphins swimming about 30 yards from me - I nearly crapped my pants (that is really my only defense against monsters just try to make myself as unappealing to eat as possible.)
Anyway, I like going to aquariums, but the bigger the fish the more glass I want between me and it. Killer whale and dolphin shows are ok as long as they use the proper placement of razor wire and guard towers. Even if Sea World takes all these precautions mistakes can happen - does no one remember the plot of Jaws 3D? Jaws eats everyone at Sea World, and I think it was because they smelled like salmon. How long until it can be rereleased with the tag - based on a true story:
Not the best Quality but certainly the best scene in the film. Amazing special effects!