Friday, March 18, 2011

End of the World

Apparently it is the end of the world, or at least that is what I have been hearing from the news and idiots over the past few days - my favorite is this email that has been going around the Internet telling people that if they add 9/11/2001 and 3/10/2011( the date of the Japan Earthquake) = 12/21/2012 (the end of the Mayan Calender)
Number one - the earthquake took place on 3/11/2011 which changes the numbers completely.
Number two - adding those numbers together gives you 12/21/4012, (numerology is stupid.)
Number three -  if the Mayans were so technologically advanced that they could calculate the end of the world why couldn't they invent some muskets and fight off the Europeans that killed them.

The Japan thing was bad and I feel horrible for those people but why do people need it to be more then that - like that it has to  be a sign from God or something. These numerology and Apocalypse watch people need perspective - as of this moment 6,539 deaths have been reported, and 10,259 missing  that's the official number (horrible, but hardly the end of days.)
These people casually ignore real tragedies that have been going on for years. Every year 15 MILLION children in the world die of hunger. During Wolrd War II, nearly every country on the planet was at war with one another and an estimated  11 MILLION people were killed during the holocaust. In Africa a child dies of Malaria every 45 seconds, the most recent number is that 1 Million children a year die from a disease that is treatable - Hell, my wife had Malaria and she is fine now - George Clooney has had it twice!

What doesn't kill you makes you stronger, and he survived Batman Forever.

As for the method of the "Apocalypse," there is always an earthquake somewhere, most people want to think this one was special - it was so big and all - nope. On average the planet has at least one 9.0 earthquake a year - and in 2007 there were 4. It just so happened that this year it hit Japan - the earthquake that hit Haiti just last year was a 7.0 and it killed 92,000 people, that's more then 14 times the number of people killed in Japan. It could have been soooo much worse.

Nuclear fallout? Not really, I mean sure there could be a meltdown, unlike what the news is leading us to believe there has not been one. Now, if there was an actual meltdown there is no way it could ever - EVER!!! - be as bad as Chernobyl and even that is, for the most part, under control. Sure I mean you can't go to that area in Russia but half the planet was not inffected with radiation the way FOX news is trying to make us think could happen here.

Anyway, I hate that this happened to Japan and I am all for the help the US is giving them but these people that make this out to be a end of the world type thing and do this numerology crap really need perspective or should throw themselves off a bridge.

Footnote: The black death killed 125 million people, nearly  1/3 of the world population. In 1918, one year, nearly 40 million people were killed from the flu and we have been through two global wars in the last 100 years. Yet people are saying this is the end of the world.


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