Monday, March 14, 2011

Time Travel

 In honor of Daylight Savings I would like to take a second to talk about time travel. I have read enough theoretical physics books to understand that there are scientist that believe one day there could be a realistic non-Delorian way to travel in time. When you get deep into quantum mechanics and string theory most of the cooler theories are often explained though the existence of time traveling particles and a multi-dimensional universe. I tend to believe that if time travel is ever really discovered then someone would come back and tell us about it.
Then again if they came from the future we might take their dirt bikes away.

This video made the rounds awhile ago, but I didn't have a blog back then so I am going to post it now. It is a short clip from a film premiere in 1928 for Charlie Chaplin's film "The Circus." The woman in the video appears to be talking on a cellphone - like the video points out the first handheld walkie-talkie wasn't even invented until like 20 year after this was filmed.

I'm not saying I buy it, but then again I am a hard sell. I would be skeptical even if someone showed up right now from the future and told me that they had to stop me from writi . . . .

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