Friday, March 4, 2011

Brigham Young or don't Brigham at all. . .

I heard a story about Brandon Davies, he is the student on the BYU basketball team which was dismissed for violating the schools honor code by having sex with his girlfriend. For those who don't follow college basketball or know anything about BYU it is a Morman University and for those who are not fimiliar with South Park the morman religion is pretty nutty at times - not that all religions aren't nutty from time to time.
Here is a link to the story if you are interested.

I am sort of conflicted about this story, on one hand he obviously choose BYU knowing that it was a Morman School  - meaning a violation of the honor policy would include things like drinking coffee, having premartial sex and killing geese with a hammer in the dinning hall. (however in BYU's defense the geese murder thing would be grounds for dismissal at most universities, with the obvious exception of Michigan State.)
On the other hand I think it is crazy for the school be be involved with this kids sex life. I know that if my college would have found out half of the sexual experiances that I had alone in the shower during my freshman year I would have been expelled, or given a metal (i went to a state school.)

I guess my point is this, chooseing to be a star athlete at a university which does not allow you to have premartial sex is like going to McDonald's and only smelling the chicken nuggets, at a certain point you need to realize you are only hurting yourself.

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