Wednesday, March 23, 2011


I like to consider myself a scientist, because I am constantly experimenting and trying to invent stuff. As of right now I have not sold any of my inventions - they are more in the idea stage right now but I thought i would take a few moments to share some of them.

The French Toaster

This sprays a layer of beaten egg on a piece of toast then heats it to a golden brown. there will also a pump handle for syrup access. I would like to have it make bacon or some form of sausage product but that's still under development. Pork is harder to work with then eggs.

The clog free toilet

The water toilet has been around for like 100 years and the garbage disposal has been around nearly as long, why has no one combined them to make the worlds first unclogable toilet - you can flush diapers, tampons and possibly small appliances.

The Burrito Taco

This one is a no brainer, picture several small burritos filling a giant taco shell. That's 12 pounds of Mexican bliss. I can picture this being the new Big Mac. Several chain restaurants across America which combine one great food item with another great food item. Like a bowl of spaghetti between two pizzas making a spaghetti pizza sandwich or a fish stuffed with french fries and then completely stuffed into a chicken.

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