Monday, March 14, 2011

Dalia Lama

The Dalia Lama stepped down from power a few days ago, which is strange cause according to the Chinese he never was in power. I will admit that most of what I know about the Lama comes from Caddy Shack, but I was still sad to see him go.
Something that always struck me as odd about his Lama was that this is his14th reincarnation, and in all that time you would have to say the guy prefers to be Asian, to be more accurate Tibetan. So what if he won the Nobel Peace prize in 89 you can't come back as French guy or something just to change things up. Oh, or a bear. If I were the Lama I would totally come back as a bear, maybe with lazer eyes, that would end a Chinese occupation pretty damn quick. Then again why not just go for broke and come back as Robocop.
Your move oppressive Chinese.

If the Beastie Boys have taught me anything it's that you have to fight for your right to party. If they have taught me two things it is that Tibet should be free and I thought this Lama was going to make that happen.
I guess stepping down as supreme being will open up his schedule for other things like racquetball or writing fan fiction episodes of Star Trek. I really wish the guy would just drop out completely and start a Deep Purple cover band with a couple orthodox Jews. They could call themselves "Highway Star of David." (I know that was a stretch to get to that joke, but it made me laugh.)

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